30 April 2014 | To mark more than a quarter of a century of struggle to uncover the truth about the last days and moments in the lives of their loved ones, JFI has authored a Wiki entry on Mothers of Khavaran. With the assistance of those involved in this historic network composed of family members of political prisoners executed in secrecy by Islamic Republic judiciary, and their unparalleled efforts to bring those who are responsible for the illegal execution of thousands of Iranians to justice, JFI has published fundamental facts and figures about Mothers.

The entry documents details pertaining to the origins and formation of this grassroots movement. It further highlights the impact and contributions of Mothers in their struggle for justice and reparations as a means of honouring the loss of their loves ones. The entry also makes reference to the harassment, persecution and arrests suffered by some of the mothers and other survivors involved with this movement. More importantly, it emphasises the role of Mothers, as custodians of Khavaran in discovering, preserving and protecting Khavaran cemetery, an important historic site of mass and individual graves of political and ideological prisoners executed in secrecy and buried unceremoniously by Islamic Republic prison officials since the early days of the 1980’s.

Mothers of Khavaran Wiki entry is the first in a s series of entries by JFI aimed at raising awareness about this network, its central figures and its significant contributions to the cause of human rights and justice in Iran and at the international level.

To read the entry please see:

To find out more about JFI’s work on Mothers of Khavaran, or for media inquiries please email: [email protected]