Full Name:

Hadi Hashemian


No information is available about Hadi Hashemian’s birth and education.


  • Chief Justice at Branch 24 of the Court of Appeals in Mazandaran Province until Spring 2015
  • Chief Prosecutor at the Public and Revolutionary Courts in the city of Sari from Spring 2015 to Spring 2016
  • Chief Justice at Branch 1 of the Court of Appeals in Golestan Province until sometime in 2017
  • General Director of the Judiciary in Golestan Province until sometime in 2017

Human Rights Violations (in chronological order) :

As Head of the Judiciary in Golestan, Hadi Hashemian violated the human rights of 19 Baha’i citizens by neglect, as they were tortured sexually, physically, and psychologically by intelligence forces and unfairly tried. He is also responsible for the Judiciary’s failure to follow up on the defendants’ appeals.

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